Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Ray's note for week 4

5 words:

sly - a sly smile, look, or remark shows that the person doing it knows something that other people do not know

e.g. She supposed to lose wight,but she still eat chocolate on the sly.

stealth - a quiet and secret way of behaving so that no one sees or hears you

e.g. you need to go through the room with stealth ,when the baby was sleeping.

scam - a dishonest plan, especially for getting money

e.g. The scam get 1 million money from 10 movie stars.

sceptical - having doubts about something that other people think is true or right

e.g. I still sceptical even he explain his plan for 20 minutes.

proclaim - to state something publicly

e.g. She still proclaim that her answer is correct.


initiative ,ex-pickpockets, money ,Briton ,without noticing,message ,change ,giving money away, provider ,July 1st , end of August, major UK cities ,actually need ,recruited ,interview


The TalkTalk, phone and broadband support company, organize an activity with 20 ex-pickpockets to put the money and short massage into people’s pocket. That activity called Put-pocketing, they put money such as 5 pounds and 10 pounds to people with secret method in main city in UK from July 1st to end of August. Put-pocketing work for normal people not rich people and each pickpocketer need a special interview before they join in.

1 comment:

  1. well done, ray! you correctly summarized the main idea of the article. I enjoyed your example sentence for 'on the sly!'
