Friday, 16 October 2009

weekly writing 2-----By Candy

In recent year, the global warming issue is become ever-increasingly fierce and human tries every attempt to seek a way to solute it. So somebody decided to drying laundry on a clothersline, because it is a useful way to save energy, but a bills to remove clotherlines bans. As a result it take a controversial debate as to its merits and cons. We believe the clotherline issue should be viewed in an specific manner.

On the one side, despite somebody eager to participate in resolve the energy problem, but they can not accept dry laundry outside. They feel it as an eyesore, it will let them uncomfortable.People choose live in a community specifically for strict regulation, because they just want to if they look out, they can see some wonderful thing, they don't think laundry is a beautiful thing.It was also happened a horrorble thing cause of lanudry outside that one man killed another because he can't endure it, maybe it made he mad.

On the other side, numerous people keep a tolerant attitude, they can understand hanging laundry meanwhile support it. Somebody think sheets dangling in the wind are beautiful,beacause it can save energe meanwhile reduce household electricity consumption. And there are also exist people who is too poor to afford a dryer, it is a good way to deal with a lot problem. And a part of person think all these quertions about individual rights, private property, class, aesthetics,the environment, so it can "Drying for Freedom". Somebody think sheets dangling in the wind are beautiful

From my view, I don't mind that people lanudry outside,from the long run,it is helping the environment, we need consider for our generations, it is more significant that give them a health living environment rather than debate to remove clotheslinesbetter.I don't think lanudry outside will take negative effact. Maybe some people unaccept it, we should respect it, so maybe the community can consider to construct a place to hanging laundry, they can choose it if they want.

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